What is Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

PTSD is a mental health disorder that begins after a traumatic event. That event may involve a real or perceived threat of serious injury, sexual assault, or death. PTSD can happen to anyone at any age.
It occurs as a response to chemical and neuronal changes in the brain after exposure to threatening events. Having PTSD does not mean you are flawed or weak.
Early diagnosis and intervention are necessary for effective treatment and to minimize the long-term outcomes associated with PTSD

 persistently re-experiencing the traumatic event
intrusive thoughts
dissociation (detachment from oneself or reality)
intense negative emotions (sadness, guilt) 
Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, restless sleep)
Difficulty with concentration
increased reactivity
increased startle response
avoidance of traumatic triggers
These symptoms will affect your social, occupational, and other areas of functioning. These symptoms must be present for more than one month before you diagnose a person with PTSD.

Treatment for PTSD is medication, psychotherapy, or both. Contact Guardian Angels Behavioral Health for your individualized treatment plan and effective management.

How it Works

Talk to Us First

We are pleased to offer you a free consultation where we can identify any disorders you may currently be experiencing.

Book an Appointment

You can schedule an appointment with us by clicking on the ‘Book Appointment’ button below.

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To join your scheduled appointment, please use the link that we will provide you through email.